Friends of the Hockessin Library Logo
Hockessin Library

Support the Friends

How can I support the Friends?
Volunteer with Us

Are you looking to get involved in the library community or earn service hours? Then volunteer with the Friends of the Hockessin Library! We are always looking for student and adult volunteers to help with our monthly book drops and quarterly book sales.

  • Book drops are held the second Saturday of each month. Volunteers are needed on site at our book shed to move books from donors' cars, repackage the books, and move the boxes into the shed.
  • Book sales are held quarterly at the library. Students are needed to organize books during the sale on Friday and Saturday and help with cleanup on Saturday afternoon. We need adults to help set up the sale ahead of time and serve as cashiers on Friday and Saturday.

Join our Volunteer Opportunity Mailing List to be notified of upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Do you have a question about how to get involved? Contact the Friends of the Hockessin Library volunteer coordinator at

QR Code to Volunteer

Become a Member
  Become a member of the Friends of the Hockessin Library.
  Click here to download membership form and mail in payment.
  Click here to

Click here to Donate a Book with the mail-in donation form.

Note: This form is a PDF; you will need Adobe Reader to open it. Adobe Reader is a free program and can be downloaded (click here) if you do not have it.


Reading Garden Watering Voluteers Needed
Would you like to spend a quiet hour in the Library Reading Garden helping to keep it looking beautiful with very little effort?

The Friends of the Hockessin Library need your help to water the Garden once a week from July through September.

Choose your week(s) and day and provide your contact information at

A Board member will be in touch with you to explain where to find the hose and how to use the water key.

Reading Garden donated by the FOHL

Pen and ink note cards.
For sale at the library. Eight cards - four different local scenes.
Pen and Ink Note Cards
Reusable green tote bags with FOHL logo.
For sale at the library and Used Book Sale.
Green tote bag
Limited quantities of Hockessin, a Pictorial History
(2nd edition) by local historian, Joe Lake, Jr.

Available at the library. This 240 page hard bound book
was published in 1997. The first edition was published
in 1976 and is now a collector's item.
Hockessin, a Pictorial History
FOHL is a qualified 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 51-0185744. All contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.

© Friends of the Hockessin Library Inc.